2020 & 2021
Archived Events
Recovery From Substance Use Disorders in Central VA
How to Find Help for Yourself or Someone You Care About
March 26, 2021
9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Online Via Zoom
Free Registration
Come join us for our first community education program on recovery from "Substance Use Disorders in Central VA:
How to Find Help for Yourself or Someone You Care About."
This is the first of many community education programs
that we will be having. This event is free to attend,
but you can make a donation after registering.
With your donation, you can support a person in recovery.

Roads to Recovery's
Give A Gift to a Peer
November 30, 2020
Roads to Recovery Center
3000 Langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24501
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our "Give a Gift to a Peer" event this year! Your contribution made it possible to give every one of our peers a gift this Christmas and allowed our Director of Communications, Katherine Daniel, the ability to put on the event. Pictured is our Christmas tree at the office with all of our peers' gifts before they were delivered to the peers houses.

Roads to Recovery's Spook-A-Thon
October 30, 2020
Roads to Recovery Center
3000 langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24501
Roads to Recovery enjoyed giving the community a socially distanced trick-or-treat event this year. Many of the staff dressed up as characters from different movies/shows and greeted kids and waved at the many cars going by.

Roads to Recovery's Get High on Recovery Virtually
September 29, 2020
Roads to Recovery Center
3000 langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24501
In September of 2020, for National Recovery Month,
we put on a virtual recovery event. This was Roads to Recovery's first time ever putting on a virtual event. The virtual event included coffee conversations with board members,
house tours of R2R's recovery residences, peers, and cooking.
Roads to Recovery's Recovery Walk
September 26, 2020
Roads to Recovery Center
3000 langhorne Road, Lynchburg, VA 24501
Roads to Recovery had its first recovery walk for recovery month
in September of 2020. Team members, peers, family, friends,
and board members participated in a virtual walk across many different states. Pictured is a group of team members,
their families, peers, and board members that participated
in an in-person walk.